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Cosmic Galaxy Abstract Painting
(In person)
2023-01-09 18:30:002023-01-09 20:00:00America/ChicagoCosmic Galaxy Abstract PaintingAcrylic paint swirls together as you press paper together, then open to reveal your very own Milky Way! (Grades 6–12) Fountaindale Public Library - Vortex
Monday, January 09 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Add to Calendar2023-01-09 18:30:002023-01-09 20:00:00America/ChicagoCosmic Galaxy Abstract PaintingAcrylic paint swirls together as you press paper together, then open to reveal your very own Milky Way! (Grades 6–12) Fountaindale Public Library - Vortex
Fountaindale Public Library
Acrylic paint swirls together as you press paper together, then open to reveal your very own Milky Way! (Grades 6–12)